May Hitchings
Art + Design + DevelopmentMay
likes to make things.
I’ll take on any medium, digital or otherwise. I’m a fast learner and I love troubleshooting.
Current Work
I’m currently working on some freelance graphic design and web development opportunities for some local small businesses and non-profits using everything from Adobe Creative Suite and WordPress to React. I won’t give any surprises away now, but I’ll be updating my portfolio soon with some shiny new projects built totally from scratch. I’m really enjoying getting to work on several wildly different kinds of projects at a time, exploring each client’s needs and goals, and brainstorming how to meet them within pretty rigid budgets.
To get myself out of the house on a regular basis, I’ve been volunteering with Love.Craft Athens! I love getting to be a part of facilitating the creative process for so many artists I’d never met before. It is such a joyful and productive environment and I’m really grateful for my time there.
In my own creative practice, I’m attempting to take a step away from my formalized techniques and try investing in my sketchbook again. I’ve bought a few character design and illustration classes from some of my favorite artists on Domestika, and as much as I’d love to do portraiture, I’m also craving something more playful. I’d love to get more into illustration, and I feel like this is a good opportunity. Maybe I’ll get into snail mail again.
I’m currently working for Community Brands LLC as a web developer. Most of my work is CSS and front end javascript with some php. Mostly, I get requests for new features or content, and it’s a mad dash to make it as fast as possible. I love the designers I’m working with and my eagle eyed creative director is really making me push myself. My work is cleaner and more responsive than ever, and I’m getting to be pretty creative with my implementation of some custom code within the WordPress framework.
In my creative practice, I’ve expanded my interests to textiles, chainmaille, tattooing and painting. I took a solid 5 years off of painting, but I’m back and full of motivation to explore new processes. My relief printing practice is still active, but my heart misses the sounds and general hubbub of the studio. I spend too much time roller skating to make something every day, but I still keep a sketchbook and the ideas are still flowing. As long as I’m making something, learning something, I’m content.